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Digital Literature Review to the Butler Undergraduate Conference

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
19 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 03, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

We've Stretched Our Goal!

February 17, 2020

Wow, wow, wow! Thank you all so, so, much for helping us reach our initial goal of $1,000!!!

With such great success, we are stretching our goal to $1,500 to not only help with refreshments for the Gala in April but to leave a financial safety net for next year's DLR team members. With this start-up money, they will be able to begin to invest in promotions as early as day one!

We are asking, again, for your help to raise 500 more dollars.

Like always, if you cannot donate, please share and spread our word around!

Ohhhhhhhhhh OH!!! We're Halfway There!!!!

February 10, 2020

Just as Jon Bon Jovi once said, we are halfway there! We don't want to be living on your prayer, but rather your dime!


Thank you so much to all of the friendly spirits out there that have helped us hit the halfway mark of our financial goal! We still need more of that cash, so don't be brash! Please help our class!!

The DLR team members are more than thankful for your help and we are looking forward to the next 22 days!


Hey Ghoulfriends! So far, so good!

February 05, 2020

All of us at the DLR want to begin by saying thank you so much for all of your donations and support. Our launch was very successful thanks to everyone's combined efforts, and we are officially 48% of the way to our $1,000 goal!  Looking forward, we have 27 days left to reach our goal, and so we have to keep the ball rolling. So keep on the look out for different social media posts, and please continue to share, donate, and spread the word! 


As a special thanks, here is a picture our beloved mascot Ryan! He says keep up the good work! 

Choose a giving level


You Are Beloved

Every little bit helps!


A Cup Of Stars

This will fund half of one students registration fee, and get you your own (metaphorical) cup of stars


Become An Angel In America

This will fund one students registration fee


Are You Slaying Me, Buffy?

This will fund two students registration fees


You're Supernatural!

This will fund three students registration fees

Our Crowdfunding Groups