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Elementary Education Overseas (EDEL-O) - London Summer 2020

Raised toward our $3,425 Goal
13 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 03, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners


February 06, 2020

Thank you to everyone who has already supported our crowdfunding campaign.  EDEL-O is a life-changing experience for our pre-service teachers, but financial hardships are often a barrier for participation.  Your generous donations can make the experience possible for aspiring teachers, regardless of financial need, to learn about and engage in culturally responsive teaching!


We appreciate you and your continued support!

-EDEL-O Faculty Directors & Students

Choose a giving level


Program Costs

Every little bit helps! Your $10 donation will go to support students' program costs.



Your $25 donation will go to support students' Ball State tuition costs for coursework completed in London.


Cultural Experience

Your $50 donation will support cultural experiences, such as West End theater performances and tours of historic sites within the city, to fully immerse students in British culture.



Your $100 donation will support students' lodging in London.


Passport Fees

Your $130 donation will support the cost of one student's passport fees.


Scotland Excursion

Your $250 donation will help support a student to participate in an educational excursion to Scotland.


Tier 4 Student Visa

Your $429 donation will support the cost of one student's required tier 4 visa.


Airline Ticket

Your $1000 donation will support the cost of one student to fly roundtrip to London from the US.

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