We will be launching the 10th edition of the Ball State Digital Literature Review at our End-of-the-Year Gala. This journal highlights well-researched works written by students of the Ball State community, as well as other communities and universities. The gala will present these works and include art and student speakers that were published in this year's edition. We also plan on using some of the funds for our community outreach programs. Any remaining funds will be saved for next year's DLR team to use for their edition.
**Any additional funds raised will be used for future fund expenses**
ooOOOOoo! You can see ghosts, and every little bit helps Bert and Gertie's investigations!
You can help track ghosts through their ectoplasm! This will go towards supporting and promoting DLR events like the End-of-the-Year Gala and Blog Launch Party!
Now the ghosts help you solve crimes! This donation will help the DLR pay for merch and swag to give away!
You fear no ghosts! This donation will help our overflow into next year's research and conference opportunities!
You've been ghouled! As an official best friend of Bert and Gertie, your donation will go towards supporting next year's team and their efforts to host events, community workshops, and commission artists!