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$100 for 100 | Theatre & Dance Centennial Challenge

$100 for 100 | Theatre & Dance Centennial Challenge Image
Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
33 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 01, at 11:59 PM EST
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$100 for 100 | Theatre & Dance Centennial Challenge

Stanislavski's Magic If

an ability to imagine oneself in a set of fictional circumstances and to envision the consequences of finding oneself facing that situation in terms of action


Do you remember those exercises? Strother Theater, Dr. English, improvising using the “magic If’?  How about Jonathan Becker’s river game? Judy Yordon’s Performance studies where you took on both roles in a two-person scene? Working with Kip Shawger to create the physical world of the play?  Finding new meaning in an old song with Sutton Foster and Michael Rafter, mastering a bit of Fosse with Michael Worcel…….

Our DOTD experiences are the tools and treasures that we carry with us.  Whether you’re working in the industry or in another field, I am sure the lessons we explored through the art and craft of theatre-making support our current work.  Collaboration, creative thinking, empathy, time-management, problem-solving, story-telling, consensus- building – these skills, taught through the lens of our art, have become our arsenal as we work to explore and improve our world.


Did you know then – when you were a student- how your education would impact the rest of your life?  Did you know that the friendships made would endure?  Did you know that the lessons learned were not meant to get you through the assignment, but life lessons?


So, what if? What if you could help someone else have that experience?  What if you could make a difference for a current student while celebrating yours?


As we celebrate Ball State's Centennial Anniversary, let's celebrate together the connections, lessons, friendship, love and experiences by supporting current students learning their CRAFT.


With a gift of $100 for the 100th anniversary of our alma mater, you're making a Department of Theatre and Dance education possible for a new generation. 


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$100 for 100

With a gift of $100 for the 100th anniversary of our alma mater, you're making a Department of Theatre and Dance education possible for a new generation. Your name and a photo of your choice will be displayed on the $100 for 100 banner during the spring Alumni Weekend, March 29-31 at Ball State.

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